Crafting Tools before building (Release 2 is on the horizon!)

I have not posted here in a while. The game is not dead. Far from it! Release 2 being worked on!
I have been adding things in "the back end" meaning its just bug fixes, improvements and added features not yet utilized.
The problem with games with multiple enemies/tools/waves is that implementing the features is the easy part.
Utilizing the feature, balancing it, bug testing, adding sfx/graphics and making the feature fun is the hard part!
Ive been making the tools, now i need to use them to actually build something!

As mentioned in the last devblog, these features are mostly things that rely on each other making this next release one larger release.

There are some smaller noticable features added ,
A new deer added to the game, Largehorns. It charges the players whenever they get to close to him.
It deflects bullets with its large horns forcing the players to kite it or team up on it. 

There is a new snow boss that throws snowballs at the players
Centurion deers have been added, these are mostly reskins of other deers. 

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